Gautam Puri

Senior Mentor, Career Launcher

Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Gautam's Mantra

  • Focus more on what can be done, and what can be improved upon; rather than on what you don't know.
  • Don't be ashamed of your failures; don't hide them. Use them as an opportunity to showcase how you have recovered from them; and what all you have learned from that experience.
  • In an interview, don't search for perfect answers, don't create stories; just share the reality. Be honest with yourself, understand your limitations, and keep your ego aside.

Students' Feedback

Knowledge 97%
Openness 98%
Responsiveness to doubts and queries 92%
Motivating spirit 98%

Students Speak!!!

If Gautam were interviewed - "Tell us something about yourself"

As a child, I was 'pathetic' at studies. I was at the bottom of the class, my rank was equal to the number of students, who would pass in the class! But fortunately, my academic graph has a positive slope. I was poor at school, but I got better over the years in college. In my engineering college, I started studying for the first time. Gradually, I became one of the toppers in my class; and eventually, started teaching half my class before the exams. That way, I had my first teaching experience in my engineering college. From being poor at studies, I transformed into someone to whom a lot of people owe their graduation degrees!

Epithets by Students: "To you, Gautam is..."

"The Most Charismatic Mentor"

"Thalaivar - A True Leader"

"Mr. Positive"

"The Best Counselor"

Favorite Comic

'Amar Chitra Katha' and 'Asterix'

As a child, I was very good at History; and that was because I was a voracious reader. My interest in History stems from reading 'Amar Chitra Katha' as a child. It retells the stories from the great Indian epics, mythology, history, and folklore in a comics format, which is extremely enjoyable and knowledgeable.
The humor in 'The Adventures of Asterix' is unmatchable. Hands down, it is the best comic book possible with the added bonus of enhancing your vocabulary.

Role Model

My Father

I believe my father was significantly ahead of his time. He never pressurized; and left all final calls to me. I and my father were equal decision-makers in everything. There were no restrictions on my sister, either. She was encouraged to take her own decisions; and build a career. When there was a lot of noise surrounding my decision to leave my job for an MBA, my father told me “Abhi nahi risk loge, toh kab loge?” ‘Freedom to do what you want and not imposing your will' is something I have learned from my father.

Know him like you "know him"


Mohammed Rafi is the Don Bradman of singing. He is the expert; and no one can touch him.



Kishore Kumar, as he is not just a good actor, but also a great singer & an unmatched comedian.


Alt Career

He would probably be a tour guide, as both History & traveling drive him.


Bucket list

To explore South America; and go on an adventurous wildlife safari in Africa.



Loves traveling, loves driving, & has been part of the Raid-de Himalayas off-road adventure.



Enjoys senseless comedy. 'Half Ticket', 'Padosan', & 'Delhi Belly' being some of his favorites.