5 last minute tips before IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2017

Last minute tips before IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2017

So, finally the time is here. IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2017 is around the corner, only four days are left for the exam to flag-off. Earlier, in the month of August we have posted IBPS PO Notification, you can read it by clicking here. Now is the time to relax, stay focused and revise a bit. At this stage it is more important to keep in mind DOs and DON’Ts of the exam. This post talks about 5 last minute tips before IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2017.

The Prelims exam is scheduled on 7th – 8th October 2017 and 14th – 15th October 2017.

So, before we get down to discuss 5 last minute tips before IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2017 let us first have a quick glance on the IBPS PO (Prelims) paper pattern and other important paper facts.

IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Paper Pattern:

S No. Test No. of Question Marks Medium of Exam Duration
1 English Language 30 30 English  

60 minutes

2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 English/Hindi
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 English/Hindi
  Total 100 100    


  • For every wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of 1/4th of the mark allotted to the question.
  • Candidates have to qualify in each of the three sections by securing minimum cut-off decided as by IBPS.

We have told you about how to do a detailed preparation of IBPS PO click here to read the post. Now, let us discuss 5 last minute tips before IBPS PO (Prelims) 2017:

  1. Plan beforehand – By now you know what your strong and weak areas are and which section to attempt first and how much time to devote to every section.
  2. Time Management – Time management plays an important role in making or breaking the deal. You are aware that we have only 60minutes for 100 odd questions, which breaks up as 0.6 minute per question. It is wise to invest some time in the paper at the start itself. Before you move onto solving questions, have a quick glance at the paper keeping your focus on your strong areas. However, do not take too much time in it.
  3. Accuracy – Accuracy should be well taken care of. One wrong answer will cost you ¼ negative marks. Remember it is not important to attempt each and every question rather it is important to maximize your score and negative answers can prove to be a hindrance in it.
  4. Sectional Cut-Off – Do not forget that although one section maybe your strong area and other your weak area but that doesn’t mean you can focus on one section and ignore the other. Since there are sectional cut offs, you will have to qualify each and every section. You can maximize your overall score by performing well in your strong sections but at the same time make it a point to score minimum cut off score set for the other sections.
  5. Do not over spend time on a question – Many a times candidates get stuck on one question and are unable to solve it, in such questions candidates need not to take it their heart and worry about the time they have spent on it, rather, they should move on from that questions. Few questions are tricky and are meant to be left. Selecting the right questions will prove to be beneficial for you and by that you can keep you speed and accuracy both at check.


Section-wise last minute tips:

  • English – Language sections are always unexpected and tend to throw surprises at you. You should always keep in mind these points while attempting this section:
  1. In the English Language section most questions can be solved by the elimination techniques which ensures accuracy;
  2. Try to attempt questions like Reading Comprehensions and Cloze Test first as in such questions reading one passage ensures solving higher number of questions. Reading Comprehension will mostly have direct questions, skip the ones which are indirect (inference based) and time consuming.
  3. If you are well versed with the grammar rules then you should attempt tricky grammatical questions else skip them;
  4. Give this section 15-17 minutes.


  • Quant – Put all shortcut techniques you have learned so far in use now. Advantage in this section is that you can be sure of your answer unlike in English where the surety of right answer is lesser. You should always keep in mind these points while attempting this section:
  1. Pick the easier DI sets and solve them first (if you are comfortable with speedy calculations); attempting sets help you ensure more marks;
  2. Pick the questions from your strong area;
  3. Keep your focus on accuracy and remember giving more and more time to a tricky question will not ensure that the answer is correct;
  4. Give this section 20-25 minutes.


  • Reasoning – This is one tricky section and can be time consuming for the candidates too. However, you cannot ignore any section. You should always keep in mind these points while attempting this section:
  1. Remember to read the instructions carefully;
  2. This section should be attempted with utmost concentration so as to catch the logic behind the question;
  3. Do no invest more than 5 minutes in a single set of question;
  4. Give this section 18-20 minutes.


Most importantly –

  • Stay confident;
  • Do not stress or panic;
  • Keep calm.

Stay tuned for more exam update and exam analysis after the exam.

All the best!!


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