Best age for Banking exams preparation: Complete guide

Best age for banking exams preparation: Complete guide

Jobs in Banking sector have always attracted the youth. The primary reason for this is job security, handsome pay and lucrative perks. Recruitment exams are conducted by IBPS for Public Sector banks, SBI, RBI, NABARD and other leading banks for Officers and Assistant posts.

Are you aspiring for a banking job? Did you go through the eligibility criteria and other pre-requisites? If not, this might disappoint you. Before you begin your banking exams preparation, we bring to you this post to guide you on the best age for banking exams preparation.

Age limit for various bank exams

All banks have certain eligibility criteria and it is mandatory to stick to it to avoid cancellation of candidature.

IBPS bank exams are the biggest recruitment exams conducted across India. Four major domains are:

  • RRB CWE for vacancies in RRBs (Office Assistants & Officer scale-I)
  • Clerk CWE for Clerical cadre
  • PO CWE for Probationary Officer posts
  • Specialist Officer CWE for SO positions

Age limit for various posts is given below:

  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant: 18 to 28 years
  • IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I: 18 to 30 years
  • IBPS Clerk: 20 to 28 years
  • IBPS PO: 20 to 30 years
  • IBPS SO Scale-I: 20 to 30 years
  • IBPS SO Scale-II: 20 to 35 years

SBI conducts exams for PO, Clerk and Specialist Officers for its various branches and Associate banks across the country.

  • SBI PO: 21 to 30 years
  • SBI Clerk: 20 to 28 years
  • SBI SO: 21 to 30 years depending upon the posts

However, there is relaxation in age limit as per caste reservation.

S.No. Category Relaxation (in years)
1 SC / ST 5 years
2 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 3 years
3 PWD (General) 10 years
4 PWD (SC /ST) 15 years
5 PWD (OBC) 13  years
6 Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State during the period from 1 January 1981 to 31 December 1990 5 years
7 Ex-Servicemen/Disabled Ex-Servicemen Actual period of service rendered in defense services + 3 years (8 years for disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST subject to maximum age of 50 years)
8 Widows, Divorced women and women legally separated from their husbands & who not remarried 9 years (subject to maximum age limit of 35 years for General and 38 years for OBC & 40 years for SC/ST candidates


The age limit criteria mentioned above might have been useful to iron out most of your doubts. Moving further, let’s discuss the ideal age to flag off your bank exams preparation.

As it is evident from the data, the major age bracket is 20 to 30 years. It is rightly said it is better to start early than finish late.

  • If you start preparing for bank exams in your early twenties, you have an added advantage to start from the scratch and master all concepts. Starting early will give you an exposure to all types of questions and scenarios. Moreover, you have more number of attempts in your hand. If your hardwork and destiny support and you qualify in the first or second attempt, then you have a long way in your professional life and can rise-up to General Manager or ED level.

Simultaneously, you can appear for other Government job exams.

  • On the contrary, if you begin your banking exams preparation after 25 years of age, you might have to rush up with concepts and there would be a lot of pressure hovering your mind. Overall, it’s going to be arduous task. The sword of cracking the exam by hook or crook might leave you in turmoil. Hence, it is advisable to start early. Beginning your professional career after 27-28 years might not give you a lot of promotions and job satisfaction.

Let’s quickly glance through career progression in banks.

  1. Junior Management Grade – Scale I: Officer i.e. PO
  2. Middle Management Grade – Scale II: Manager
  3. Middle Management Grade – Scale III: Senior Manager
  4. Senior Management Grade – Scale IV: Chief Manager
  5. Senior Management Grade Scale V: Assistant General Manager
  6. Top Management Grade Scale VI: Deputy General Manager
  7. Top Management Grade Scale VII: General Manager
  8. Executive Director (ED) and Chairman and Managing Director (CMD)

As a piece of advice, you should start your preparation now. It’s never too late to chase your dreams. However, remember you don’t exceed the required eligibility criteria.

You can enroll for CL’s classroom programs, bank online classes and bank test series.



  1. Great !!! The information was really helpful. it’s really informative and covers all the aspects. I agree with all the points. Thanks for sharing information on this important topic. Thanks for your kind guidance.

  2. Very informative. I am looking for a Bank job and I am in the preparation process for the same. I wanted some information that would help me in my preparation. That is when I found this blog that helped me get the desired information. It is helping me a lot in my preparation. Thank u for sharing