Last minute CLAT 2016 tips for CLAT day – 8 May 2016

CLAT_2016 Tips
CLAT_2016 Tips

We all know entrance exams make us nervous. No matter, how we prepare for them we always find ourselves becoming anxious and stressed out, especially right before the exam.

Common Law Admission Test, CLAT 2016 is scheduled on May 8, 2016 between 03:00pm to 05:00pm. Now that you are in the final run for CLAT 2016, its, just the right time for nervousness to find some space around you. However, this is the time to take control and present all your effort, hard work and positive energy forward.

Here are quick last minute CLAT 2016 tips for the big CLAT day:

  • While I hope you have already taken regular practice in the online format, revise your notes and the areas that you needed focus on.
  • Also, give another glance to the analysis of the previously attempted mock test.
  • No harm taking a last look at CLAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus, before the exam.
  • Approach the exam with confidence and avoid commonly made mistakes
  • Remember to read the question twice before marking the answer to avoid negative marking.
  • Take the required good night’s sleep before the exam.
  • Lastly, relax, focus and be positive. All the very best for CLAT 2016!

Also, hope to have you with us for a quick look at CLAT 2016 exam analysis, later that evening.