Tips to solve ‘Inequality’ questions in Reasoning Ability

Inequality Questions Tips

With the banking and SSC exams season ahead of us, you must be looking forward to tips and tricks to solve tricky questions whether it is Reasoning Ability or Quantitative Aptitude section. Not only this, many of you might be taking mock tests and revising important concepts. Revision and regular practice is the key to success in any banking/SSC exam.

In the Reasoning Ability section, questions based on ‘Inequality’ carry significant weightage. You can expect a set of 5-6 questions from Inequality. In the earlier post, we discussed tips and tricks to solve ‘Coding-Decoding’ questions. Now, we bring to you smart ways to solve inequality questions.

First, let’s understand the concept of inequality.

What is inequality?

  • Inequality symbols are >, < and =. Relationship between two or more entities can be established using these symbols.
  • In any banking or SSC exams, questions based on inequality focuses on the relationship between more than 2 elements. Such questions have a statement consisting of a group of elements separated by inequality symbols.
Symbol Meaning
X > Y X is greater than Y
X < Y X is smaller than Y
X = Y X is equal to Y
X ≠ Y X is either greater than or smaller than Y but X is not equal to Y
X ≥  Y X is greater than or equal to Y
X ≤ Y X is smaller than or equal to Y

Now, since you are familiar with the inequality concept. Let’s learn about different types of inequality questions and strategy to solve them.

How to solve inequality questions?

Three inequality symbols viz. <, > and = clubbed with three elements can have the following combinations. Consider some patterns likely to be asked in the exams.

Statement Conclusion







A>C or A=C

A≥ B =C
A≤ B ≤C  

A<C or A=C

A= B ≤C
A≤ B =C
A< B >C No conclusion can be inferred
A≤ B >C
A< B ≥C
A> B <C
A> B ≤C
A≥ B <C


Tips to solve inequality based question

Priority Rule

You should remember the priority order while solving inequality questions.

  • Order 1: < or >
  • Order 2: ≥ or ≤
  • Order 3: =

Forward direction —>

> =

Reverse direction <–

= <

Trick 1: Questions having order 1 (< or >) wherein the symbols are opposite to each other (A>B<C), no conclusion can be obtained. But if symbols are in the same direction, a conclusion can be obtained.

For example, if A > B <C , then both A < C & C > A are ‘false’. (Since no inference can be drawn)

But, if A > B >C, then A > C & C < A are ‘true’. (Symbols are in the same direction)

Trick 2: For questions having order 2 (≥ or ≤) in opposite order (A≥ B ≤C), no conclusion can be drawn, but with symbols in same directions, a conclusion can be obtained.

For example, if A ≥ B ≤C: No Conclusion

But, if A ≥ B ≥ C: A ≥ C and C ≤ A = True

Trick 3: When the symbols are in random order and in different directions, align them in order 1, 2 or 3.

For example, if A>B>C>D and E>F>G, then A>C is true but C>A is false.

Let’s have a look at how to solve complex questions.

A ≤ B ≤ C = D and E ≥ F ≥D

We can conclude that  A ≤ B ≤ C = D ≤E ≤ F

  1. A=D: False
  2. A>C: False
  3. A<F: True

After going through the article, you will be able to solve questions based on inequality. You can enroll for CL’s Sectional Tests or try our free tests on our blog.