SSC CGL Tier-II: Last minute tips

SSC CGL Tier-II: Last minute tips

In the last leg of SSC CGL Tier-II 2016, we bring to you this post on last minute tips for SSC CGL Tier II. As the countdown to CGL Tier-II nearing to an end, focus only on what you have studied and convert your hard work into your dream job.

SSC CGL exam is one of the most coveted exams in the country with more than 15 lakh aspirants appearing for the CGL Tier-I exam each year. Read more at SSC CGL: A popular exam among graduates. As per the Tier-I 2016 result, around 1.5 lakhs students have cleared the Tier I Exam. To make it to the final merit list, it is essential to have the right approach with right strategy.

Essentials to crack SSC CGL Tier II 2016 exam:

  • Fast and speedy calculations
  • Accuracy
  • Conceptual clarity and short tricks
  • Starting with your stronger areas first

So before we move on, let’s glance through the exam pattern of SSC CGL Tier II.

S. No. Subjects No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 Quantitative Aptitude 100 20 2 hours
2 English Language and Comprehension 200 200 2 hours
3 Statistics 100 200 2 hours


Last minute tips to boost your score well in Tier II:

  • One of the best ways to gauge your preparation is to take mock tests, on the lines of the actual paper. You can enroll for CL’s SSC CGL Tier-II test series. In the run-up to CGL Tier-II 2016, it is advisable to practice as many questions as possible. You can check CL’s SSC Test Gym.
  • Beginning with paper –I (Quantitative Aptitude), advanced math covers 50% questions in the paper. So revise all important concepts pertaining to advanced math. Read more at How to prepare Quant section for SSC CGL Tier-II 2016.
  • Taking mock tests won’t help much unless you analyse each mock. So, analyse the questions which are time consuming and devise your test taking strategy.
  • Try to solve questions with short tricks.
  • If you use long or traditional approach to solve questions, it can affect your performance and score in exam. You will be left with lesser time for other questions.
  • Make it a point to improve your performance with every mock. This will act as stress buster and improve your confidence.
  • Read the instructions and data properly. Many a times this proves to be useful in solving the questions or deciding the correct approach to the question.
  • In the English Language and Comprehension section, only three new topics are added in the syllabus i.e. Voice, Narration and Para jumbles.
  • Voice and narration are scoring as they are totally based on rules and concepts. Practice such questions from sample papers and mock tests.
  • Gain valuable insights from Do you know the topics for the English Language paper in SSC CGL Tier-II.
  • Almost one-fourth of the paper comprise of Reading Comprehension and Cloze Test. Devote equal time to these questions as well.
  • Take mock tests in the same way as your CGL Tier-II exam. Try to keep the time slot as that of your actual exam.
  • Revision is the key to success, so keep revising the formulas of quant section and English language.
  • Don’t aim of attempting the whole paper or scoring 180+. Solve only those questions which you are confident of. Remember negative marking can reduce your score.
  • Maintain your confidence and stay calm.

Stay tuned for SSC CGL Tier-II analysis and expected cut-off, after the exam.

All the best!