A glimpse into the SSC JE recruitment process


Aspirants of Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer (SSC JE) must have filled the application form of SSC JE Recruitment 2016-2017 to fill up 1100 vacancies. The examination of SSC JE 2016-2017 is to be conducted in February 2017.

Before you start preparing for your SSC JE exam, we thought to share a post that will give you a detailed insight into the selection procedure and the posts offered in SSC JE recruitment exam. Enlisted below are the various post and packages offered for recruitment in SSC JE exam 2016-2017:

Departments Post Group Grade Pay Gross SalaryINR
Central Water Commission Junior Engineer (Civil) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
Central Water Commission Junior Engineer (Mechanical) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
CPWD Junior Engineer (Civil) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
CPWD Junior Engineer (Electrical) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
Department of Post Junior Engineer (Civil) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
Department of Post Junior Engineer (Electrical) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
MES  Junior Engineer(Civil) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
MES Junior Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119
MES Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contract) “B” 4,200 32,667 – 37,119


The SSC Junior Engineer recruitment process:

The exam will be conducted in two stages.  Stage 1 will comprise of written test of 200 marks and stage 2 will comprise written test Conventional type carrying 300 marks.

Stage 1: Written test of SSC JE exam consists of two papers.  Paper -I will be Objective type questions carrying 200 marks. This contains three parts: General Intelligence and Reasoning of 50 marks, General Awareness again 50 marks and General Engineering of 100 marks. This test will be conducted online. There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

Stage 2: In this stage, a written test i.e. Paper II will be conducted offline containing conventional type questions of 300 marks. This test carries three parts in which candidates need to attempt only one part relevant to the applied JE post.

The time duration for each paper will be 2 hours. Candidates who qualify in Paper-I at the standard as fixed by the Commission at its discretion only their answer sheets of conventional Type i.e.  Paper-II will be evaluated.

Interview session or Personality Test: Interview session is dispensed off from the selection procedure for SSC JE recruitment from 2017.

Resolution in case of Tie: In cases of TIE where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregates marks, will be resolved by applying the following methods one after another:

  • Marks in Paper-II.
  • Marks in Paper-I.
  • Date of birth, with older candidates, placed higher.
  • Alphabetical order in the first names of the candidates appear

Stay connected for all the relevant and latest updates on SSC JE exam. All the best!