SSC MTS non-technical recruitment 2016-17

8300 vacancies for MTS recruitment in various public service departments!

SSC MTS non-technical recruitment 2017

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released a notification for Multi Tasking Non Technical Staff i.e. SSC MTS non-technical recruitment 2016-17, across states and Union Territory. SSC released this notification on 30th December 2016 on it’s official website.

As per the notification, SSC has listed the tentative vacancy to be 8300 for SSC MTS non-technical recruitment 2017 in various public service departments. Interested candidates can apply online. Online application for recruitment to MTS Non Technical staff has started from 31th December 2016 and open till 30th January 2017.

For information on state vise vacancies, important dates and eligibility criteria for SSC MTS non-technical recruitment, you may view the actual notification here.

All the very best!

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