CAT 2020 Question Paper With Answers & Explanation
Question Numbers (1 to 5): The passage below is
accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best
answer to each question.
Mode of transportation affects the travel experience and
thus can produce new types of travel writing and perhaps
even new “identities.” Modes of transportation determine
the types and duration of social encounters; affect the
organization and passage of space and time; . . . and
also affect perception and knowledge—how and what
the traveler comes to know and write about. The
completion of the first U.S. transcontinental highway
during the 1920s . . . for example, inaugurated a new
genre of travel literature about the United States—the
automotive or road narrative. Such narratives highlight
the experiences of mostly male protagonists “discovering
themselves” on their journeys, emphasizing the
independence of road travel and the value of rural folk
Travel writing’s relationship to empire building— as a
type of “colonialist discourse”—has drawn the most
attention from academicians. Close connections have
been observed between European (and American)
political, economic, and administrative goals for the
colonies and their manifestations in the cultural practice
of writing travel books. Travel writers’ descriptions of
foreign places have been analyzed as attempts to
validate, promote, or challenge the ideologies and
practices of colonial or imperial domination and
expansion. Mary Louise Pratt’s study of the genres and
conventions of 18th- and 19th-century exploration
narratives about South America and Africa (e.g., the
“monarch of all I survey” trope) offered ways of thinking
about travel writing as embedded within relations of
power between metropole and periphery, as did Edward
Said’s theories of representation and cultural imperialism.
Particularly Said’s book, Orientalism, helped scholars
understand ways in which representations of people in
travel texts were intimately bound up with notions of
self, in this case, that the Occident defined itself through
essentialist, ethnocentric, and racist representations of
the Orient. Said’s work became a model for
demonstrating cultural forms of imperialism in travel texts,
showing how the political, economic, or administrative
fact of dominance relies on legitimating discourses such
as those articulated through travel writing. . . .
Feminist geographers’ studies of travel writing challenge
the masculinist history of geography by questioning who
and what are relevant subjects of geographic study and,
indeed, what counts as geographic knowledge itself.
Such questions are worked through ideological
constructs that posit men as explorers and women as
travelers—or, conversely, men as travelers and women
as tied to the home. Studies of Victorian women who
were professional travel writers, tourists, wives of colonial
administrators, and other (mostly) elite women who wrote
narratives about their experiences abroad during the 19th
century have been particularly revealing. From a “liberal”
feminist perspective, travel presented one means toward
female liberation for middle- and upper-class Victorian
women. Many studies from the 1970s onward
demonstrated the ways in which women’s gendered
identities were negotiated differently “at home” than they
were “away,” thereby showing women’s self-development
through travel. The more recent poststructural turn in
studies of Victorian travel writing has focused attention
on women’s diverse and fragmented identities as they
narrated their travel experiences, emphasizing women’s
sense of themselves as women in new locations, but
only as they worked through their ties to nation, class,
whiteness, and colonial and imperial power structures.
Refer the lines, “The completion of the first U.S.
transcontinental highway during the 1920s . . . for
example, inaugurated a new genre of travel
literature about the United States—the automotive
or road narrative. ……”discovering themselves” on
their journeys, emphasizing the independence of
road travel and the value of rural folk traditions.
The other options distort the intended meaning of
the statements.
Q. 2 From the passage, we can infer that feminist scholars’
understanding of the experiences of Victorian women
travellers is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT
In their analysis of Victorian women travelers,
feminist scholars hav e drawn on their
understanding of how identity is developed (Such
questions are worked through ideological
constructs that posit men as explorers and women
as travelers—or, conversely, men as travelers and
women as tied to the home); their own perspective
(Feminist geographers’ studies of travel writing
challenge the masculinist history of geography by
questioning who and what are relevant subjects of
geographic study and, indeed, what counts as
geographic knowledge itself) and awareness of
gender issues in Victorian societies (From a
“liberal” feminist perspective, travel presented one
means toward female liberation for middle- and
upper-class Victorian women. Many studies from
the 1970s onward demonstrated the ways in which
women’s gendered identities were negotiated
differently “at home” than they were “away,” thereby
showing women’s self-development through travel)
There is no mention or reference to class tensions
in Victorian societies.
Q. 3 From the passage, we can infer that travel writing is
most similar to:
Refer the lines, “Mode of transportation affects the
travel experience and thus can produce new types
of travel writing and perhaps even new “identities.”
The other options are not in consonance with the
ideas discussed in the passage.
Q. 4 From the passage, it can be inferred that scholars
argue that Victorian women experienced selfdevelopment
through their travels because:
Refer the lines, “Many studies from the 1970s
onward demonstrated the ways in which women’s
gendered identities were negotiated differently “at
home” than they were “away,” thereby showing
women’s self-development through travel.” The
other options are beyond the scope of the
information given in the passage.
Q. 5 According to the passage, Said’s book, “Orientalism”:
Refer the lines, “Said’s work became a model for
demonstrating cultural forms of imperialism in travel
texts, showing how the political, economic, or
administrative fact of dominance relies on
legitimating discourses such as those articulated
through travel writing.” This makes 2 correct. The
other options are factually inaccurate.
Question Numbers (6 to 9): The passage below is
accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best
answer to each question.
[There is] a curious new reality: Human contact is
becoming a luxury good. As more screens appear in
the lives of the poor, screens are disappearing from the
lives of the rich. The richer you are, the more you spend
to be off-screen. . . .
The joy — at least at first — of the internet revolution
was its democratic nature. Facebook is the same
Facebook whether you are rich or poor. Gmail is the
same Gmail. And it’s all free. There is something mass
market and unappealing about that. And as studies show
that time on these advertisement-support platforms is
unhealthy, it all starts to seem déclassé, like drinking
soda or smoking cigarettes, which wealthy people do
less than poor people. The wealthy can afford to opt
out of having their data and their attention sold as a
product. The poor and middle class don’t have the same
kind of resources to make that happen.
Screen exposure starts young. And children who spent
more than two hours a day looking at a screen got lower
scores on thinking and language tests, according to
early results of a landmark study on brain development
of more than 11,000 children that the National Institutes
of Health is supporting. Most disturbingly, the study is
finding that the brains of children who spend a lot of
time on screens are different. For some kids, there is
premature thinning of their cerebral cortex. In adults,
one study found an association between screen time
and depression. . . .
Tech companies worked hard to get public schools to
buy into programs that required schools to have one
laptop per student, arguing that it would better prepare
children for their screen-based future. But this idea isn’t
how the people who actually build the screen-based
future raise their own children. In Silicon Valley, time on
screens is increasingly seen as unhealthy. Here, the
popular elementary school is the local Waldorf School,
which promises a back-to-nature, nearly screen-free
education. So as wealthy kids are growing up with less
screen time, poor kids are growing up with more. How
comfortable someone is with human engagement could
become a new class marker.
Human contact is, of course, not exactly like organic
food . . . . But with screen time, there has been a
concerted effort on the part of Silicon Valley behemoths
to confuse the public. The poor and the middle class
are told that screens are good and important for them
and their children. There are fleets of psychologists and
neuroscientists on staff at big tech companies working
to hook eyes and minds to the screen as fast as
possible and for as long as possible. And so human
contact is rare. . . .
There is a small movement to pass a “right to disconnect”
bill, which would allow workers to turn their phones off,
but for now a worker can be punished for going offline
and not being available. There is also the reality that in
our culture of increasing isolation, in which so many of
the traditional gathering places and social structures
have disappeared, screens are filling a crucial void.
Q. 6 Which of the following statements about the negative
effects of screen time is the author least likely to
Throughout the passage, the author has highlighted
the negative impacts of excessive screen time.
Thus, statement 4, which can be interpreted as
stating a positive impact of spending time on
screens, is least likely to find endorsement by the
Q. 7 The author claims that Silicon Valley tech companies
have tried to “confuse the public” by:
Refer the lines, “Tech companies worked hard to
get public schools to buy into programs that
required schools to have one laptop per student,
arguing that it would better prepare children for
their screen-based future. But this idea isn’t how
the people who actually build the screen-based
future raise their own children. In Silicon Valley,
time on screens is increasingly seen as unhealthy.”
Q. 8 The author is least likely to agree with the view that
the increase in screen-time is fuelled by the fact that:
The idea behind the statement is that human
contact is becoming a luxury good. The rich are
opting for less screen time. The education of their
children is also geared along these lines, whereas
the poor and middle class does not have the
resources to do so. This idea finds resonance in
the statement- “How comfortable someone is with
human engagement could become a new class
Question Numbers (10 to 13): The passage below is
accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best
answer to each question.
Although one of the most contested concepts in political
philosophy, human nature is something on which most
people seem to agree. By and large, according to Rutger
Bregman in his new book Humankind, we have a rather
pessimistic view – not of ourselves exactly, but of
everyone else. We see other people as selfish,
untrustworthy and dangerous and therefore we behave
towards them with defensiveness and suspicion. This
was how the 17th-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes
conceived our natural state to be, believing that all that
stood between us and violent anarchy was a strong state
and firm leadership.
But in following Hobbes, argues Bregman, we ensure
that the negative view we have of human nature is
reflected back at us. He instead puts his faith in Jean-
Jacques Rousseau, the 18th-century French thinker,
who famously declared that man was born free and it
was civilisation – with its coercive powers, social classes
and restrictive laws – that put him in chains.
Hobbes and Rousseau are seen as the two poles of the
human nature argument and it’s no surprise that
Bregman strongly sides with the Frenchman. He takes
Rousseau’s intuition and paints a picture of a
prelapsarian idyll in which, for the better part of 300,000
years, Homo sapiens lived a fulfilling life in harmony
with nature . . . Then we discovered agriculture and for
the next 10,000 years it was all property, war, greed
and injustice. . . .
It was abandoning our nomadic lifestyle and then
domesticating animals, says Bregman, that brought
about infectious diseases such as measles, smallpox,
tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, cholera and plague. This
may be true, but what Bregman never really seems to
get to grips with is that pathogens were not the only
things that grew with agriculture – so did the number of
humans. It’s one thing to maintain friendly relations and
a property-less mode of living when you’re 30 or 40
hunter-gatherers following the food. But life becomes a
great deal more complex and knowledge far more
extensive when there are settlements of many
“Civilisation has become synonymous with peace and
progress and wilderness with war and decline,” writes
Bregman. “In reality, for most of human existence, it
was the other way around.” Whereas traditional history
depicts the collapse of civilisations as “dark ages” in
which everything gets worse, modern scholars, he
claims, see them more as a reprieve, in which the
enslaved gain their freedom and culture flourishes. Like
much else in this book, the truth is probably somewhere
between the two stated positions.
In any case, the fear of civilisational collapse, Bregman
believes, is unfounded. It’s the result of what the Dutch
biologist Frans de Waal calls “veneer theory” – the idea
that just below the surface, our bestial nature is waiting
to break out. . . . There’s a great deal of reassuring
human decency to be taken from this bold and thoughtprovoking
book and a wealth of evidence in support of
the contention that the sense of who we are as a species
has been deleteriously distorted. But it seems equally
misleading to offer the false choice of Rousseau and
Hobbes when, clearly, humanity encompasses both.
Q. 10 According to the passage, the “collapse of
civilisations” is viewed by Bregman as:
Refer the lines, “Whereas traditional history depicts
the collapse of civilisations as “dark ages” in which
everything gets worse, modern scholars, he claims,
see them more as a reprieve, in which the enslaved
gain their freedom and culture flourishes.” This
makes 3 correct. The veneer theory was
propounded by Dutch biologist Frans de Waal, not
Bregman. There is no mention of rectification by
social action in the passage.
Q. 11 The author has differing views from Bregman
Bregman believes that it was the rise of civilization
that introduced war and decline in society. However,
the author disagrees. Refer to the lines, “Like much
else in this book, the truth is probably somewhere
between the two stated positions.”
Q. 12 According to the author, the main reason why
Bregman contrasts life in pre-agricultural societies
with agricultural societies is to:
Refer to the concluding lines of the passage-
“There’s a great deal of reassuring human decency
to be taken from this bold and thought-provoking
book and a wealth of evidence in support of the
contention that the sense of who we are as a
species has been deleteriously distorted.” Thus,
this is the reason that the author ascribes to the
contrasts drawn by Bregman. The other options
are limited in the explanations they offer.
Q. 13 None of the following views is expressed in the
passage EXCEPT that:
None of the other options find support in the
Question Numbers (14 to 18): The passage below is
accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best
answer to each question.
I’ve been following the economic crisis for more than
two years now. I began working on the subject as part
of the background to a novel, and soon realized that I
had stumbled across the most interesting story I’ve ever
found. While I was beginning to work on it, the British
bank Northern Rock blew up, and it became clear that,
as I wrote at the time, “If our laws are not extended to
control the new kinds of super-powerful, super-complex,
and potentially super-risky investment vehicles, they will
one day cause a financial disaster of global-systemic
proportions.” . . . I was both right and too late, because
all the groundwork for the crisis had already been done—
though the sluggishness of the world’s governments, in
not preparing for the great unraveling of autumn 2008,
was then and still is stupefying. But this is the first
reason why I wrote this book: because what’s happened
is extraordinarily interesting. It is an absolutely amazing
story, full of human interest and drama, one whose
byways of mathematics, economics, and psychology
are both central to the story of the last decades and
mysteriously unknown to the general public. We have
heard a lot about “the two cultures” of science and the
arts—we heard a particularly large amount about it in
2009, because it was the fiftieth anniversary of the speech
during which C. P. Snow first used the phrase. But I’m
not sure the idea of a huge gap between science and
the arts is as true as it was half a century ago—it’s
certainly true, for instance, that a general reader who
wants to pick up an education in the fundamentals of
science will find it easier than ever before. It seems to
me that there is a much bigger gap between the world
of finance and that of the general public and that there
is a need to narrow that gap, if the financial industry is
not to be a kind of priesthood, administering to its own
mysteries and feared and resented by the rest of us.
Many bright, literate people have no idea about all sorts
of economic basics, of a type that financial insiders
take as elementary facts of how the world works. I am
an outsider to finance and economics, and my hope is
that I can talk across that gulf.
My need to understand is the same as yours, whoever
you are. That’s one of the strangest ironies of this story:
after decades in which the ideology of the Western world
was personally and economically individualistic, we’ve
suddenly been hit by a crisis which shows in the starkest
terms that whether we like it or not—and there are large
parts of it that you would have to be crazy to like—we’re
all in this together. The aftermath of the crisis is going
to dominate the economics and politics of our societies
for at least a decade to come and perhaps longer.
Q. 14 All of the following, if true, could be seen as supporting
the arguments in the passage, EXCEPT:
Option 1 - The story of the economic crisis is also
one about international relations, global financial
security, and mass psychology supports the
following statement of the author - It is an absolutely
amazing story, full of human interest and drama,
one whose byways of mathematics, economics,
and psychology are both central to the story of the
last decades and mysteriously unknown to the
general public. Option 2 - The difficulty with
understanding financial matters is that they have
become so arcane supports the following
information - Many bright, literate people have no
idea about all sorts of economic basics, of a type
that financial insiders take as elementary facts of
how the world works. Option 4 - Economic crises
could be averted by changing prevailing ideologies
and beliefs echoes the following statement- “If our
laws are not extended to control the new kinds of
super-powerful, super-complex, and potentially
super-risky investment vehicles, they will one day
cause a financial disaster of global-systemic
proportions.” . . . Option 3 contradicts these
statements and is hence, incorrect.
Q. 15 According to the passage, the author is likely to be
supportive of which one of the following programmes?
Refer the lines, “It seems to me that there is a
much bigger gap between the world of finance and
that of the general public and that there is a need
to narrow that gap, if the financial industry is not
to be a kind of priesthood, administering to its
own mysteries and feared and resented by the rest
of us.” This makes option 3 correct. The other
options are not supported by the information given
in the passage.
Q. 16 Which one of the following, if false, could be seen as
supporting the author’s claims?
The wording of the question is slightly tricky. The
question is asking you to identify the option, which,
if false, will support the author’s argument. The
first option states that-The economic crisis was
not a failure of collective action to rectify economic
problems. The author argues for the very opposite
in the passage. He is surprised by the sluggishness
of the world governments, by a collective lack of
preparation by the various stakeholders involved.
Thus, 1 is correct. The other options, if untrue, will
weaken the author’s claims.
Q. 17 Which one of the following best captures the main
argument of the last paragraph of the passage?
The concluding paragraph of the passage highlights
the larger impact and the need for a collective
response to a crisis that is the result of an
individualistic ideology. Thus, 2 is correct. The other
options distort the information given in the
Q. 18 Which one of the following, if true, would be an
accurate inference from the first sentence of the
The first line of the passage is-I’ve been following
the economic crisis for more than two years now.
Thus, the only inference that can be drawn is that
the author’s preoccupation with the economic crisis
is not less than two years old.
Q. 19 The passage given below is followed by four alternate
summaries. Choose the option that best captures
the essence of the passage.
The dominant hypotheses in modern science believe
that language evolved to allow humans to exchange
factual information about the physical world. But an
alternative view is that language evolved, in modern
humans at least, to facilitate social bonding. It
increased our ancestors’ chances of survival by
enabling them to hunt more successfully or to
cooperate more extensively. Language meant that
things could be explained and that plans and past
experiences could be shared efficiently.
The passage is making two points:
a. The prominent view is that language evolved to
facilitate exchange of factual information about
the world.
b. Another view holds that it evolved to facilitate
social bonding which ensured the survival of
the human race.
Only the second option captures these essential
aspects of the argument. Option 1 is incorrect
because there is no discussion on the evolution of
language. There is no element of challenging of
viewpoints. By the same logic even option 4 gets
Q. 20 Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are
given below. Four of them can be put together to
form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out
and key in the number of the sentence as your
(1) Machine learning models are prone to learning
human-like biases from the training data that
feeds these algorithms.
(2) Hate speech detection is part of the on-going
effort against oppressive and abusive language
on social media.
(3) The current automatic detection models miss out
on something vital: context.
(4) It uses complex algorithms to flag racist or violent
speech faster and better than human beings
(5) For instance, algorithms struggle to determine if
group identifiers like "gay" or "black" are used in
offensive or prejudiced ways because they're
trained on imbalanced datasets with unusually
high rates of hate speech.
Sentences 1, 2, 4 and 5 are about detecting hate
speech through machine learning and its process.
Sentence 3, however, talks about the context in
which certain words are used in social media which
the machine is not able to understand or detect.
Hence, the correct answer is sentence 3. The
correct order of the sentences will be - Hate speech
detection is part of the ongoing effort against
oppressive and abusive language on social media.
It uses complex algorithms to flag racist or violent
speech faster and better than human beings alone.
Machine learning models are prone to learning
human-like biases from the training data that feeds
these algorithms. For instance, algorithms struggle
to determine if group identifiers like “gay” or “black”
are used in offensive or prejudiced ways because
they’re trained on imbalanced datasets with
unusually high rates of hate speech.
Q. 21 The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when
properly sequenced would yield a coherent
paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the
order of the sentences and key in the sequence of
the four numbers as your answer:
(1) Complex computational elements of the CNS are
organized according to a “nested” hierarchic
criterion; the organization is not permanent and
can change dynamically from moment to moment
as they carry out a computational task.
(2) Echolocation in bats exemplifies adaptation
produced by natural selection; a function not
produced by natural selection for its current use
is exaptation -- feathers might have originally
arisen in the context of selection for insulation.
(3) From a structural standpoint, consistent with
exaptation, the living organism is organized as a
complex of “Russian Matryoshka Dolls” -- smaller
structures are contained within larger ones in
multiple layers.
(4) The exaptation concept, and the Russian-doll
organization concept of living beings deduced
from studies on evolution of the various
apparatuses in mammals, can be applied for the
most complex human organ: the central nervous
system (CNS).
Exaptation is mentioned in 2 and elaborated upon
in 4. Thus, 24 is a mandatory pair. Also, 2 is the
opening sentence since it introduces the topic.
Similarly, the reference to Russian dolls in 3
indicates that 3 follows next and the paragraph
concludes with 1. Thus, the correct sequence is
Q. 22 Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are
given below. Four of them can be put together to
form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out
and key in the number of the sentence as your
(1) The logic of displaying one’s inner qualities
through outward appearance was based on a
distinction between being a woman and being
(2) 'Appearance' became a signifier of conduct - to
look was to be and conformity to the feminine
ideal was measured by how well women could
use the tools of the fashion and beauty industries.
(3) The makeover-centric media sets out subtly and
not-so-subtly, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ways to be a
woman, layering these over inequalities of race
and class.
(4) The denigration of working-class women and
women of colour often centres on their perceived
failure to embody feminine beauty.
(5) ‘Woman’ was considered a biological category,
but femininity was a ‘process’ by which women
became specific kinds of women.
The correct order will be 1524.
1. The logic of displaying one’s inner qualities
through outward appearance was based on a
distinction between being a woman and being
2. ‘Woman’ was considered a biological category,
but femininity was a ‘process’ by which women
became specific kinds of women.
3. ‘Appearance’ became a signifier of conduct -
to look was to be and conformity to the
feminine ideal was measured by how well
women could use the tools of the fashion and
beauty industries.
4. The denigration of working-class women and
women of colour often centres on their perceived
failure to embody feminine beauty.
The reference to class and race in statement 3
makes it the odd one out.
Q. 23 The passage given below is followed by four alternate
summaries. Choose the option that best captures
the essence of the passage.
Brown et al. (2001) suggest that ‘metabolic theory
may provide a conceptual foundation for much of
ecology just as genetic theory provides a foundation
for much of evolutionary biology’. One of the
successes of genetic theory is the diversity of
theoretical approaches and models that have been
developed and applied. A Web of Science (v. 5.9.
Thomson Reuters) search on genetic* + theor* +
evol* identifies more than 12000 publications between
2005 and 2012. Considering only the 10 most-cited
papers within this 12000 publication set, genetic theory
can be seen to focus on genome dynamics,
phylogenetic inference, game theory and the regulation
of gene expression. There is no one fundamental
genetic equation, but rather a wide array of genetic
models, ranging from simple to complex, with differing
inputs and outputs, and divergent areas of application,
loosely connected to each other through the shared
conceptual foundation of heritable variation.
The essence of the passage is captured in the
opening line itself ‘‘metabolic theory may provide
a conceptual foundation for much of ecology just
as genetic theory provides a foundation for much
of evolutionary biology’. It then goes on to talk about
the various applications of genetic theory. Thus,
the correct summarization is provided by option 1.
The use of ‘must’ makes option 2 wrong. 3 is
factually incorrect. There is no contrast presented
between metabolic theory and genetic theory.
Thus, 4 is also wrong.
Q. 24 The passage given below is followed by four alternate
summaries. Choose the option that best captures
the essence of the passage.
Aesthetic political representation urges us to realize
that ‘the representative has autonomy with regard to
the people represented’ but autonomy then is not an
excuse to abandon one’s responsibility. Aesthetic
autonomy requires cultivation of ‘disinterestedness’
on the part of actors which is not indifference. To
have disinterestedness, that is, to have comportment
towards the beautiful that is devoid of all ulterior
references to use – requires a kind of aesthetic
commitment; it is the liberation of ourselves for the
release of what has proper worth only in itself.
The key aspects of the passage are – what
constitutes aesthetic political representation and
the meaning of disinterestedness in this respect.
This is why 3 is correct. Option 1 distorts the flow
of ideas while ‘constitutes’ makes 2 incorrect. The
passage states that aesthetic autonomy requires
the development of disinterestedness.
Q. 25 The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when
properly sequenced would yield a coherent
paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the
order of the sentences and key in the sequence of
the four numbers as your answer:
(1) It advocated a conservative approach to antitrust
enforcement that espouses faith in efficient
markets and voiced suspicion regarding the merits
of judicial intervention to correct anticompetitive
(2) Many industries have consistently gained market
share, the lion’s share - without any official
concern; the most successful technology
companies have grown into veritable titans, on
the premise that they advance ‘public interest’.
(3) That the new anticompetitive risks posed by tech
giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon,
necessitate new legal solutions could be
attributed to the dearth of enforcement actions
against monopolies and the few cases
challenging mergers in the USA.
(4) The criterion of ‘consumer welfare standard’ and
the principle that antitrust law should serve
consumer interests and that it should protect
competition rather than individual competitors was
an antitrust law introduced by, and named after,
the 'Chicago school'.
‘It’ in 1 refers to the criterion of consumer welfare
standard in 4. Thus, 41 becomes a pair. ‘many
industries’ in 2 and the names of these industries
in 3 makes 23 a pair. Since, 23 elaborates on the
idea introduced in 4 and 1, 4123 becomes the
correct sequence.
Q. 26 The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when
properly sequenced would yield a coherent
paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the
order of the sentences and key in the sequence of
the four numbers as your answer:
(1) Each one personified a different aspect of good
(2) The others were versions of popular Buddhist
gods, Hindu gods and Daoist gods.
(3) Seven popular Japanese deities, the Shichi
Fukujin, were considered to bring good luck and
(4) Although they were included in the Shinto
pantheon, only two of them, Daikoku and Ebisu,
were indigenous Japanese gods.
This is a relatively easy question. The mention of
the seven deities in 3 and ‘each’ in 1 makes 31 a
pair. The reference to two of them in 4 and the
others in 2 makes 3142 the right order.