Don't take this silly mistake in Reading comprehensive

Has there ever been a time when you were positive that you got certain answers right on a reading comprehension, only to find out that you got them wrong? Of course you have! It happens to all of us. As common as this is, that doesn’t make it any less frustrating to lose points over questions that you clearly knew how to answer. Unfortunately, no matter how well you understand the paragraph, the fact that you knew the answer doesn’t change your score because you made careless mistakes. A careless mistake happens when we get an answer wrong, despite having all the necessary skills and information required to answer correctly. Even professionals and experts make careless mistakes, so it’s nothing to beat yourself up over. But if it’s something that happens frequently, you will want to develop a strategy to help minimize these unnecessary errors. 1. Reading the passage in too much detail the first time: students fail to understand which paragraph is important and which doesn’t require more of your attention. Learn to curtail your efforts for effective reading. 2. Not clarifying the question: Experts advise test takers to read everything a minimum of two times. It’s important not to focus entirely on the timed nature of the test and make sure you understand what the questions are asking you. 3. Not entirely understanding the question. This relates back to the importance of reading each question multiple times. Many people rush to answer the question without completely understanding the question, which is a big mistake. 4. Failing to go back to the text to prove your answer: sometimes it is important to go back to the paragraph to prove your answer. You should avoid redundancy but sometime we miss out certain points which is important to answer questions. 5. Turning to the answer choices too soon: we forget to understand that the author sometime repeats or add in more arguments about the things which he might have earlier said in the paragraph. Therefore, turning to the answer choice too soon is to be avoided. 6. Looking only for good stuff in the answer choices: we tend to get attracted to the examples and arguments provided by the author which is in reality only proving the point that he would have earlier explained in the paragraph. Keep in mind this point and attempt the questions. 7. Losing track of time. While it’s important to spend enough time on each question to have a thorough understanding, you must remember that the test is timed. You should try and measure the time you are taking for each question, but don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself to rush through the questions. Remember, regardless of how irritating careless mistakes are, they are an important part of the studying process. Identifying and correcting these errors will help prevent you from making them on the real test. Ultimately, nothing can completely prevent you making careless mistakes, but applying a few different study and focus techniques can help lower the possibility of them.