• IPM/BBA Test Series

    Practice your readiness with our mock tests for D-Day. Our test series includes over 80 mocks based on actual exam patterns. Get detailed analysis & more.

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    1. 25 all India IPMAT mocks closest to the actual exam
    2. Covers IIM Indore, Rohtak & JIPMAT
    3. All India percentile ranking and benchmarking
    4. Video Solutions for Pre-defined Mocks
    5. Live Analysis Sessions by CL Gurus for pre-defined Mocks
    6. In-depth performance analysis
    7. Includes Daily Newsletter and Current Affairs Compendium
    8. Note: The test series will start in the 3rd week of July, 2024

    4,999  7,000
    You save:   2,001 (29%)

    1. 83 All India mocks based on major exam patterns
    2. Covers all important BBA Exams
    3. All India percentile ranking and benchmarking
    4. Video Solutions for Pre-defined Mocks
    5. Live Analysis Sessions by CL Gurus for pre-defined mocks
    6. In-depth performance analysis
    7. Includes Daily Newsletter and Current Affairs Compendium
    8. Note: The test series will start in the 3rd week of July, 2024

    6,499  9,000
    You save:   2,501 (28%)

    1. 58 All India BBA mocks closest to the actual exam
    2. All India percentile ranking and benchmarking
    3. In-depth performance analysis
    4. Includes Daily Newsletter and Current Affairs Compendium
    5. Note: The test series will start in the 3rd week of July, 2024

    2,999  5,000
    You save:   2,001 (40%)