How to score Q51 on the GMAT?

  • "Do you want to go from GMAT Q40 to Q50?"
  • "Do you take more time solving quant questions?"
  • "Do you want to complete a quant question within 2 minutes?"
  • "Do quant questions make you nervous?"
  • "Are you stuck at Q40?"

If any answer to the above question is yes, then join us for a free webinar, where we will decode some challenging questions, common traps, and mistakes that most students make on some of the challenging questions, and how to avoid those mistakes.

June 09, 2023

21:00 hrs

Kapil Madaan

Register now for the FREE Class

Session Highlights

  • Learn strategies to solve Data Sufficiency type of questions with ease by eliminating few options by only understanding statement (1) or statement (2) alone.
  • Learn to identify the approach to solve 700-level Problem-Solving questions within 90 seconds by not assuming any information which is not provided in the question stem.
  • Learn to avoid common traps and solve the questions with minimum efforts by plugging in the options as compared to solving the questions.
  • Learn to manage time by understating the question stem and analyzing each statement for Data Sufficiency type of questions.
  • Understand few key concepts which will useful for both problem solving and data sufficiency question type.
Register Now for the FREE Session

Learn more about the Speaker

Kapil Madaan

Kapil Madaan

GMAT Expert

Kapil earned an MBA after his mechanical engineering degree. He performed well on standardized tests such as GMAT. He has been teaching Quant for more than 10 years and helped thousands of students achieve their target scores, with his unique ability to break a most complex problem into simpler mathematical steps. Most of his students get a score between Q45 - 51 on GMAT.