

Class IX Math
Test for Quadrilaterals
Total Marks: 25
Total Time: 35 min
1.   In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || DC. IF ∠A = 35° and ∠B = 75°, then find ∠C and ∠D.
(2 Marks)
2.   In a parallelogram ABCD, if (3x – 10)° = ∠B and (2x + 10)° = ∠C, then find the value of x.
2 Marks)
3.   The adjoining figure is a rectangle whose diagonals AC and BD intersect at O. If ∠OAB = 27°, then find ∠OBC.
3 Marks)
4.   In the figure, AX and CY are respectively the bisectors of opposite angles A and C of a parallelogram ABCD. Show that AX || CY
3 Marks)
5.   The sides AD and BC of a quadrilateral are produced as shown in the given figure.
        Prove that
4 Marks)
6.   In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a ||gm. Find the angles A, B, C and D.
3 Marks)
7.   In the adacent figure, AB || QP || CD, Q is the mid point of AC. If AB = 4 cm and CD = 6 cm then find PQ.
4 Marks)
8.   In the adjoining figure, ABCD and PQRB are rectangles where Q is the mid point of BD.
        If QR = 5 cm, then find the length of AB.
4 Marks)