Introduction to Euclids Geometry-MCQ

Multiple Choice Questions
Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
1.  How many straight lines can be drawn through two given lines?
           I.  None
         II.  Only one
       III.  Two
       IV.  Three
2.  What is the minimum number of lines required to make a closed figure?
           I.  One
         II.  Two
       III.  Three
       IV.  Four
3.  Which of the following is an axiom?
           I.  Theorems
         II.  Definitions
       III.  The universal truth in all branches of Mathematics
       IV.  Universal truth specific to geometry
4.  How many dimension does a surface has?
           I.  One
         II.  Two
       III.  Three
       IV.  Four
5.  A solid has how many dimensions?
           I.  One
         II.  Two
       III.  Three
       IV.  Four
6.  What do you call a figure formed by two straight lines having a common point?
           I.  Angle
         II.  Triangle
       III.  Rhombus
       IV.  Kite
7.  How many lines can pass through one point?
           I.  One
         II.  Two
       III.  Three
       IV.  Four
8.  Which of the following are boundaries of a surface?
           I.  Lines
         II.  Curves
       III.  Surfaces
       IV.  Points
       1. II
       2. III
       3. III
       4. II
       5. III
       6. I
       7. I
       8. II