CAT Exam Day Checklist What to Carry and What to Leave Behind

CAT Exam Day Checklist

The Common Admission Test (CAT) Exam Day Checklist

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the most prestigious entrance exams for MBA aspirants in India. With its competitive nature and limited seats in top management institutes, it's essential to be well-prepared, not just with your studies but also with your exam day essentials. In this blog, we will provide you with a comprehensive CAT exam day checklist to ensure a smooth and hassle-free test-taking experience. Whether you're a first-time test taker or a repeat candidate, this checklist will help you stay organized and focused on the task at hand.

What to Carry:

  1. Admit Card: The most crucial document you'll need on exam day is your CAT admit card. Make sure to download it from the official CAT website and carry both the printout and a digital copy on your phone.
  2. Photo ID Proof: You must bring a valid photo ids proof such as an Aadhar card, passport, PAN card, or driver's license. Double-check that the name on your ID matches the name on your admit card.
  3. Black or Blue Ballpoint Pens: CAT exam centers usually provide rough sheets, but it's a good idea to carry a couple of black or blue ballpoint pens to ensure smooth writing.
  4. Water Bottle and Snacks: CAT is a three-hour exam, so carrying a small water bottle and some energy-boosting snacks like energy bars or fruits is a smart move. However, avoid anything that makes noise or is too distracting.
  5. Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer: In the wake of COVID-19, it's essential to carry a mask and a small hand sanitizer bottle. Be prepared to follow the guidelines set by the exam center regarding mask usage and social distancing.
  6. Watch: A wristwatch can be handy for keeping track of time during the exam. However, make sure it doesn't have any advanced features like a calculator or internet connectivity.
  7. Transparent Ziplock Bag: You'll be required to keep your belongings, including your wallet, keys, and phone, in a transparent ziplock bag outside the exam hall. Bring a small one to ensure your items are secure.
  8. Adhesive Band-Aids: Sometimes, minor cuts or blisters can become uncomfortable during the exam. Having a few adhesive band-aids in your bag can save you from distraction.

What to Leave Behind:

  • Prohibited Items: CAT has strict rules regarding what you can bring into the exam hall. Items like calculators, mobile phones, digital watches, or any electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited. Leave these items at home to avoid any complications.
  • Heavy Bags: You won't be allowed to bring large bags or backpacks into the exam center. Leave your bag in your vehicle or at home and only carry the essentials in a transparent ziplock bag.
  • Study Material: You should have completed your preparation by exam day. Bringing study materials or notes into the exam hall is not only prohibited but also counterproductive. Focus on your test-taking strategy instead.
  • Food with Strong Odors: While snacks are encouraged, avoid bringing anything with strong odors, as it can be distracting to other candidates.


The CAT exam day is a crucial moment for MBA aspirants, and being well-prepared goes beyond just studying. By following this checklist and ensuring that you have the necessary items while leaving prohibited items behind, you can minimize stress and maximize your chances of success. Remember, a calm and organized approach can make a significant difference in your CAT exam performance.

For more information and expert guidance on CAT preparation, you can visit the Career Launcher website at Career Launcher CAT Preparation.

Good luck with your CAT exam!