Chemical Reactions and Equations-Sample Papers

Class 10th Science
Chemical Reaction and Equations Test
Maximum marks- 30
Maximum time- 45 minutes
1.  Explain the process of corrosion and rusting. (2 marks)
2.  How is exothermic reaction different from an endothermic reaction? (3 marks)
3.  Explain four different types of chemical reaction with suitable examples. (8 marks)
4.  How do we balance a chemical equation? (4 marks)
5.  Why are oil and fat containing food items flushed with nitrogen? (3 marks)
6.  What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reaction? Give suitable chemical equations for the same. (3 marks)
7.  Give two uses of quick lime. (2 marks)
8.  What is electrolytic decomposition? (2 marks)
9.  Identify the following type of reactions:-
               ▪  Na2SO4 + BaCL2 = BaSO4 + 2NaCL
               ▪  CaCO3 = CaO + CO2
               ▪  Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cu (3 marks)