Be a CL Guru

Freelancing Opportunities

60 is the new 40!

While conventional organizational rules mandate your retirement in your 60s, we, at CL Educate, recognize your continued value to society. We believe that India's youth, young adults and the Indian education system at large can benefit immensely from your wealth of experience.

If you are keen to contribute on a flexi-time basis (pro-bono or paid), we would love to utilize your energy, experience, and keenness to be guides and mentors for the lakhs of youth that we touch every year.

You can be a mentor over the phone, volunteer to conduct awareness seminars, teach in schools or colleges (government or private), be personality or career coaches, conduct teacher training and so much more. You may even turn into a lifestyle entrepreneur in the area of life coaching and be a CL certified consultant in your neighbourhood.

We will find a way to make your time meaningful for yourself, for the youth, as well as for society and the nation. Just leave your details here and our team will get in touch with you

Mobile Number
Mobile Number