Mensuration-HOTS Questions


1.    If each side of a cube is doubled, how many times will its surface area increase?
2.    Find the height of a cuboid whose base area is 180 cm2 and volume is 900 cm3.
3.    A cuboid is of dimensions (60*50*30)cm.How many small cubes with side 6 cm can be placed in the given cuboid?
4.    Find the height of the cylinder whose volume is 1.54 m3 and diameter of base is 140 cm.
5.    Find the area of trapezium where length of parallel sides are 15 cm and 25 cm and the third side measures 12 cm.
6.    Find the area of rhombus whose diagonals are 8cm and 10cm.
7.    If each side of a cube is doubled, how many times will its volume increase?
8.    A rectangular sheet of paper is having measures 11 cm* 4 cm. it is folded without overlapping to make a cylinder of height 4 cm. Find the volume of the cylinder.