Access an updated set of 7+ IPMAT books and study material to advance your self-preparation for IPMAT with CL. These books will be an aspirant’s self-study guide for every updated syllabus detail for IPMAT-Indore, IPMAT-Rohtak, & JIPMAT and topics, sectional, and full-length mock tests to test your knowledge as you progress through.
Career Launcher’s IPMAT books & study material entails a set of 7 interactive IPMAT books that covers the syllabus of IPMAT-Indore, IPMAT-Rohtak, & JIPMAT in a progressive manner.
The primary focus of the book set is to establish the concept for every topic in an interactive manner and then cross-checking the clarity with an exercise based on the same topic.
Concept Clarity → Topic Test → Section Test → Full-Length Mock Test
The exam structure for all the three exams: IPMAT Indore, Rohtak & JIPMAT, is different in terms of the number of questions. IPMAT Indore has 90 questions, JIPMAT has 100 questions, and IPMAT Rohtak has 120 questions, much like CAT.
Refer to IPMAT & JIPMAT Exam Pattern to gain in-depth information about the exam patterns of these exams, refer to IPMAT & JIPMAT Exam Patterns.
The selection procedure involves two steps:
In the MCQ section, 4 marks are awarded for every correct answer and a penalty of 1 for the wrong answer. The Short Answer questions and un-attempted questions do not carry any negative marking.