How do I prepare for the CUET exam along with 11th-grade studies?

Updated on 20th April 2023 | 1306hrs

How do I prepare for the CUET exam along with 11th-grade studies?

Balanced study plan for CUET: Of course, you should start your CUET preparation while you are in class 11. A balanced study plan and a focused approach could facilitate smooth progress and a proper balance between your class 11 studies and CUET preparation. The earlier you start the better position you will be in to score well and get to your dream college/university for UG.

CUET (Common University Entrance Test) is a centralized entrance test for UG admissions in participating universities. With the growing number of participating universities, CUET 2023 witnessed a 41% jump in the number of applicants compared to the previous year. The numbers are expected to climb even higher in the upcoming years. This will further increase the competition in the test, and you have to be prepared in every way to face the challenge. Therefore, it is necessary that you start planning and preparing well in advance.


The stepping stone to a prosperous future is often laid down when you are in classes 11th & 12th. These are the two most-crucial academic years, which have a deep and long impact on the options and opportunities you will have in the future.

The NTA has mentioned that the CUET syllabus will be the same as the NCERT syllabus for class 12. But, the class 11th syllabus too shouldn’t be taken lightly. If your fundamentals and basics of the class 11 syllabus are not clear enough then you might be caught wrong-footed at some point in time and you will be helpless. Therefore, it is important that you start your CUET preparation from class 11 onwards if you wish for admission to any top colleges.


The CUET paper is divided into 3 sections. Section I (IA & IB), Section II, Section III. Section I & III are Language & General Tests, and Section II is domain subjects. You can completely prepare for Language & General tests while in class 11,


By going through the:

  • Daily Newspaper
  • Current Affairs
  • Magazine/Articles


Even for language, you can follow the CUET question pattern and practice on yourself.


This can be done by doing/solving:

  • Unseen passages
  • Grammatical exercises
  • Vocabulary building
  • Antonym/synonym


While you start doing this early along with proper coverage of the class 11 syllabus, you walk one step ahead of other CUET aspirants. When the time will come you will have to devote less time to these two sections and focus primarily on section II (Domain subjects).


Nothing comes easy, if you wish to get admission to any top college/university for UG, you will have to prepare very comprehensively and score exceedingly well in the CUET. Therefore, start early and if required take expert guidance and help from any good coaching organization like, Career Launcher. Their customized combined courses for Class XI/XII & CUET are designed for determined and dedicated students and for their success.


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Team CUET, Career Launcher!

