7 mistakes CAT takers should avoid | Career Launcher
7 mistakes CAT takers should avoid

7 mistakes CAT takers should avoid


Perseverance is the key to achieving dreams. There are many things in life that we wish to obtain. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, and sometimes we fail because of our mistakes.

It is very crucial to have discipline, hard-work, and dedication for an MBA aspirant.  However, blindly preparing with sleepless nights is not wise. The important thing to remember is that studying/preparing the right way or rather the smart way is most likely to break barriers.

CAT (Common Admission Test) is designed in such a way that hard-work alone cannot guarantee success. Given its vast syllabus and extensive topics, it sometimes seems almost impossible to be fully prepared. And this is why hard-work with smart and selective studying is the best approach for the CAT takers.

7 mistakes 2019 CAT takers should avoid:

  1. Lack of Conceptual Clarity

Hard-work is a gift of its own, that’s the beautiful thing about working hard. But things fall down-hill due to doubts. In order to master something, one must first be crystal about it. And, this is very true for CAT exam as well.

Without conceptual clarity, you might as well not start the preparation at all. The reason why this is very important is because doubt clearance leads to a full grasp of the topics. This in turn saves time, leading to a wealthier harvest of preparation.

  1. Skipping Revisions

CAT preparation is destined to fail without revisions. Constant revision is the source of life in the CAT world. Revise regularly the concepts, formulas, etc. Do not leave out any covered topics and continue to keep practicing and revising.

  1. Shipwrecked on one section

Getting stuck in questions or sections that you can not understand is a grave mistake. There will always be certain parts that will seem confusing or hard to grasp. Because each section in the exam has time duration of 60 minutes, avoid being stagnant on a topic that seems unfamiliar. If not, time will run out, and it may result in incomplete submission.

  1. Last minute preparation of new topics

The rush to want to cover new topics, especially due to the last-minute nerves happens involuntary. But because last minute preparation mostly leads to contradictory confusion, CAT takers must absolutely avoid it. As mentioned above, the golden key is, ‘revision’, not learning new concepts in the very last minute

  1. Lack of consistent study routine

Anything is done better with a rhythmic flow. While preparing for CAT exam, one of the most common mistakes is not maintaining a time table. A consistent study routine will not only set discipline but help keep learning in check.

Keep track of your progress by religiously following a time table which is practical. Impractical goals eventually backfire, hence, maintain one that allows you to motivate yourself and to keep pushing.

  1. Avoiding mock analysis

Analyzing mock performance is a very critical habit to practice. Through this, you will get an analysis of how the actual test will turn out. Thoroughly analyze the online/offline mock performance you take to get an insight to which areas you are most likely to excel, and the areas you need to work harder. This strategy helps in keeping track of the accuracy level and helps in avoiding unnecessary blunders on the exam day.

  1. Self-doubt and Cynicism

Although this seems a little more personal and less academic, the power of believing in oneself can command oceans and move mountains. CAT preparation is a long race. It needs perseverance and patience. Given the vast syllabus and the need for constant practice, it can be exhausting. The sentiments for giving up or feeling defeated will definitely come knocking. But this is one major slip you should fight. Keep fighting against it throughout the preparation stage and always believe in yourself.

Wishing you the best of love and luck for CAT 2019!


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1. IIM programs 2019 

2. CAT Registration Trend: 2008-2018

3. IIM Seats 2019




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