Cutting-edge Masters Programs from Europe


Cutting-edge Masters Programs from Europe has made a big difference to my entrepreneurial Journey – Sachin Gaur, Founder, MIX-ORG


It was almost 8 years back that I started my higher education in Europe (Aalto University, Finland and University of Tartu, Estonia). Before starting, I didn’t know much about the countries and, reading Wikipedia and wiki travel was the only source of information for me.


I received the coveted scholarship known as ‘Erasmus Mundus’, which is now known as ‘Erasmus+’, in a program known as ‘NordSecMob’. The scholarship amount was of 42,000 Euros, enough for me to live and extensively travel in otherwise expensive to in Northern Europe.


Gaur, Sachin (study track: AALTO + UT)

Student of intake 2007


NordSecMob has helped me to grow in multiple dimensions and has changed the world for me .


Nordic education has an openness, which enables students study multiple disciplines and shape their career as they like. In my studies, I used this opportunity quite well. I could study and gain insights, which were not possible anywhere else.


I feel lucky to have been a part of the program and develop a different approach towards various things. I am now working as a researcher in Aalto University of Science and Technology and have an opportunity to work with people like Yrjö Neuvo (Professor in Aalto University and ex CTO of Nokia). We are now writing a book in Prof. Neuvo’s course with other Ph.D. students on topics like Innovation and Energy.


These opportunities make me feel privileged and motivated.


Picture: Graduation ceremony, wearing the “teekkari-cap” that AALTO graduates are allowed to use.


I studied mobile security and cryptography. In the current scenario, this obscure technical topic has  gained recognition. We see some security threats to major internet corporations every day. Hence, I really appreciate that I chose a program, which was ahead of its time in preparing a workforce that, the global market would need and also vision of the professors involved.


As a highlight to my 3 year stay in the region, I particularly remember a malware reverse engineering course run by F-Secure at the Aalto University. Having Mikko as one of the teachers, was very inspiring, and we could already see glimpses of what is coming in context of internet crime.


I spent one summer at C.E.R.N. in Geneva when the experiment was about to start and the whole world was looking at the outcome. Also, our book writing experience in the BitBang course and a study tour to China was very enriching.


When I was back to India after my three years of stay in Europe, I had two masters degree in a very specialized topic from two top-notch universities and travel experience of nearly 30 countries. As a side effect, got a global network and a chance to practise bit of Finnish and French with some savings generated in the bank.


Right now I am 5 years into building my own digital business Mixorg and as I look back, the European experience has changed my life for good. It gave me so much freedom to sit for any course I liked and allowed me to discover my true calling.


Sachin Gaur

You can email me at


If you are interested in European Higher Education. Check out for the upcoming virtual fair from 26th-29th November.





  1. Insightful article, especially for those who do not see Europe as a possible place for higher-ed. Many of my friends are doing their research in Europe with significant shcolarships.