ICSI Issued Instructions to CS Foundation examinees Dec 2018 

NIACL Notification 2018

Computer-based examination for CS foundation programme would
be held on 29th and 30th December 2018 as per timing is given in the
admit card.

Candidates should read the instructions given below
carefully and follow them in true letter and spirit for
appearing in the examination

1. Immediately after taking the print-out of the Admit Card from the website of the
Institute www.icsi.edu, every candidate is advised to verify all the details
mentioned in his/her Admit Card, i.e., his/her Name, Photograph, Signature,
Admission Number, Examination Centre (Name, Address, etc.), Date and
Timings of Examination, etc. In case of any discrepancy, the same may please
be brought to the notice of the Institute immediately at our support portal
2. Candidates should carry with them (i) Admit Card; and (ii) Student Identity Card to the
Examination Centre every day for establishing their identity and securing admission to the
examination, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall.
3. The Superintendent of Examination Centre and the Invigilators have been advised to verify the identity of each and every candidate at the time of entry into the Examination Hall and while taking candidate’s signature on the Attendance Sheet. Accordingly, each candidate must show his/her Admit Card and Student Identity Card to the Invigilator/Supervisory Staff on demand any time during the course of the examination.
4. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are in possession of a valid Identity Card as
downloaded from their individual online accounts at www.smash.icsi.in duly attested by
the authorized official(s) of the Institute. In case, due to any reason, the photograph and
signature of the student are not available in the downloaded Identity Card, the candidates
should affix his/her photograph and put the signature on the downloaded Identity Card and
get it attested by Gazetted Officer/Member of ICSI/Principal of Recognized School/Manager
of Nationalised Bank. For any reason, if some of the candidates are not holding the Identity
Card due to technical/ practical problems, they may bring any other Photo Identity Card
issued by the Government Departments viz. Passport, Driving Licence, PAN Card, UID
Aadhaar Card, Voter Card, etc. to establish their identity vis-à-vis the particulars appearing
in the Enrollment Details / Attendance Sheet. Please handover one identical photograph to
the Superintendent of Examination Centre for affixing the same on the Attendance Sheet.
5. In case, due to any reason, the downloaded Admit Card does not bear the photograph of the examinee, the candidate should affix his/her photograph on the Admit Card and get it attested by Gazetted Officer/Member of ICSI and also bring Student Identity Card/other documents as specified above, as identification proof and also one identical photograph for submitting to the Superintendent of Examination Centre.
6. Provisionally admitted students of Foundation Programme were required to regularize their admission by submitting proof of passing 10+2 Examinations within six months from the date of registration. Candidates who have not complied with the requirements are not eligible to appear in the examinations.
7. Candidates are required to report at the Examination Hall 60 (sixty) minutes before the
time specified for the commencement of each examination and occupy their allotted seats in Examination Hall. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall
after the completion of 15 minutes of the commencement of examination and no
candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the expiry of 45
minutes of the commencement of the examination.
8. In case before the examination or during the currency of examination, any situation arises, due to which special seating arrangement is required to be made on medical grounds, such candidate may submit his/her application to Joint Secretary, Directorate of Examinations along with copies of supporting documents for consideration. No facility including special seating arrangement will be granted without permission from the Institute.
9. Personal belongings including mobile phones are not allowed inside the examination room.Candidates are advised not to bring valuable personal belongings to the
examination venue and the Institute or examination centre shall not be
responsible in case the item(s) brought to the examination centre is/ are lost or
10. There will be 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) of 2 marks each in each paper and the candidates shall be given 90 minutes for appearing in both the papers on each day (45
minutes in case of exemption in one of the papers).
11. The question papers will be displayed on the Computer Screen both in English and Hindi language except for Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship paper for which questions will be displayed in English only. In case of any doubt or discrepancy in Hindi language, the English version of the questions shall prevail.
12. Each student will be appearing for two test sessions, i.e. one test session on each day in the same timing.
13. Candidates must sign the Attendance Sheet on each day for which they are appearing and after the conclusion of examination obtain a signature of the Invigilator on the Admit Card. In no case, a candidate should leave the Examination Hall without signing the Attendance Sheet. Any appearance without the candidate’s signature in the Attendance Sheet shall be treated as absent.
14. Candidates are allowed to use their own battery operated, noiseless and cordless ordinary calculator with not more than 6 functions, 12 digits and 2 memories. Use of programmable, scientific or printing model of calculators or calculators not conforming to above specifications shall not be permitted. Borrowing or exchange of calculators or any other item/material shall not be permitted in the Examination Hall.
15. Candidates are not required to appear in the paper(s) in which they have been
granted the paper-wise exemption as shown in the Admit Card as well as the
Attendance Sheet. The exemption(s) as appearing in the Admit Card should
match with the exemption(s) as shown in the Attendance Sheet. In case of any
discrepancy in regard to paper-wise exemption(s) shown in the Admit Card and/or any
mismatch with the exemption(s) as appearing in the Attendance Sheet, it should immediately be brought to the notice of the Superintendent of Examination Centre and the Directorate of Student Services of the Institute in writing through our support portal
16. Every candidate is compulsorily required to appear in all the subjects /Paper(s) for which he/she had enrolled. In case any candidate remains absent in any subject(s)/Paper(s) due to any reason, whatsoever, he/she shall be summarily declared fail. However, in case a candidate who has been granted exemption in any one subject i.e., Paper 1 or 2 (on first day i.e. 29th December , 2018) or Paper 3 or 4 (on second day i.e. 30th December, 2018) as the case may be, he/she is required to answer only those questions in the relevant subject (Paper) in which he/she is enrolled and leave the examination hall on the expiry of 45 minutes of the commencement of the examination, after submitting the Exam by clicking “Finish” button.
In case a candidate has been granted exemption in Paper 1 and 2 (first day) or Paper 3 and 4 in the (second day), he/she is required to appear only in the relevant subjects (Paper 3 and 4 or Paper 1 and 2 as the case may be), for which he/she is enrolled.
17. Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in each paper, i.e. Paper- 1,Paper-2, Paper-3 and Paper-4 separately as the case may be, and 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together for passing the Foundation Programme Examination. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
18. No candidate shall bring or carry with him/her any Book, Study Material, Handwritten or Printed Notes, Mobile Phone, Pager, Digital Diary, Scientific or Programmable Calculator,
Blue Tooth, Laptop, Palmtop, Smart Watch, Health Band or any other electronic device or
gadget in the Examination room/Hall/Premises. However, the candidates are warned to
remain prepared that in the event of suspicious behaviour of any examinee in the
Examination Hall/Room/Premises, he/she would be searched/ frisked to demonstrate that
he/she does not possess any prohibited/ objectionable item(s) with him/her.
19. The Superintendent of Examination is authorized to expel a candidate from the Examination Hall/Room if in his/her opinion, the candidate has resorted to unfair means for the purpose of answering the questions or behaved in a disorderly manner in and around the Examination Hall or obstructed the Superintendent or invigilating staff in carrying out his/her duties or attempted to offer illegal gratification or attempted to apply undue influence or threaten or blackmail any person connected with conduct of examination or attempt to copy examination questions and/ or examination responses (in any format) from the Examination Centre, etc.
A candidate so expelled must, before leaving the Examination Hall, submit to the Institute
his/her explanation in writing through the Superintendent of Examination. Once a candidate is so expelled; he/she may not be allowed to appear in the remaining paper(s) of the examination. Over and above, for any such misconduct of grave nature, the candidate shall be subject to disciplinary action under the provisions of the Company Secretaries
Regulations, 1982 as in force and/or other appropriate legal action under the laws of the
country, and the particulars of such candidates will be suitably notified in the Institute’s
official bulletins.
20. Candidates’ eligibility to appear in the CS Foundation Programme Examination shall be
subject to the provisions of Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 as in force.