Looking out techniques for preparing your time table?

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Hurray!! You have landed up to the right place. In this section , we’re going to show you some of the  great ways to create school schedule as well as will provide proper guidance on how to stick to them.

Have you ever thought why do you require a study schedule? If not, then give it a thought…Okay so let’s see

Necessity of a study plan


“It was found that 25% of the students have never been taught any study skills and only 30% are taught how to manage their time. Yes, the count of such students are very less. Therefore it’s said that study skills are not just important but essential in students’ life.”

A study plan is an organised schedule that a student makes which outlines his/her study time , helping to achieve his/her goals. Study plans include listing the dates and timings, dedicated to a particular subject of interest of the student. As each individual is different, so is his/her plans and approach. You should focus on your plans that suits you, yet also takes your goals into account. This will help you to keep organised and make you accountable for accomplishing the desired goals.


Techniques for building your study time table

Track your learning style

Look for which style comforts you:

Learning styles Description
Visual learning learning from images, graphs, pictures etc
Aural learning learning that includes sounds and music like rhyming helps you to remember information
Verbal learning learning involves use of words like reading out loud help you to retain data
Physical learning You prefer to use hands while learning. Role playing helps to understand scenario better
Social learning Refers to learning in groups while interacting with people


Once you determine this, half of your work is done. After this focus should be on how, where to utilise it.

Set your priorities

Take a look at what is prior to you in current. Suppose you have a deadline to complete your project by tomorrow as well a class test day after tomorrow then you need to prioritize yourself to complete the task which is most prior i.e. completing the project. For this you cannot have the same schedule as you follow daily. You need to amend new changes on to it.

Realistic goals to be created

Start by making simple goals like writing an essay like one in a day rather than 10 in a day. Then list all the things you need to do to work against those goal like for completing an essay you need to read all feeds, write a draft etc.


Include eating and relaxing in plan

As much as studying is important so is relaxation. Don’t ignore them. Performing yoga and meditation after a long study helps to lower your stress and increases efficiency. Listening to soft music will help you to feel fresh.


Take down handy notes and revise them

Taking down notes is an important part of proper studying. Reviewing them daily help to retain the information for long. Make  your notes attractive for better understanding by highlighting them, putting sticky notes by your bedside etc.


Have a good Sleep

Proper sleep should be taken. Having good sleep each night enhances the concentration, increases problem solving skills and develops thought process.


How to stick to your timetable?

The struggle student faces is actually in sticking to the time table. Hence there are certain tips to stay focussed :

  1. Take breaks of 5-10 minutes after studying like take a walk outside your veranda, or meditate or listen to soft music.
  2. Drink enough of water: Studies have shown that drinking water boost the concentration power.
  3. Reward yourself for sticking to schedule like movie with friends, playing sports etc.
  4. Exercise to stay fit and fresh.


So summing up make plans that are realistic above all, do try to set up small goal initially and as to get comfortable with longer sitting hours, change your schedule likewise. Keep away from digital devices and focus more on goals.
