Make your boring subject an interesting one in just 5 ways. Yes!

Tips to make boring subject interesting!

Hello! Wake up! Feeling sleepy because of the boring subject while studying?

It happens with many of us no matter how hard we try some subjects cease to enter our minds. What if you have to study that subject again that drove you crazy and you barely managed to get passing marks in, just because your work demands it. Isn’t it like a nightmare?

Umm! Let’ do something about it, as in the words of G K Chesterton “There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds.”

In this post we are sharing some tips to turn the subject that you find boring subject into an interesting one.

  • Add amusement or humor to the subject: You may not remember all the science stuffs or math formulas but you will never forget those classic childhood jokes. Humorous and amusing things bring a good feeling in our mind and cheer us up. This is the reason why we remember them. Like in schools, many students are taught the sequence of mathematical operation using the abbreviation- BODMAS, which sounds similar to the word ‘BADMASH’ and hence, the students are able to remember it for life. To make your study or subject interesting add a humor to it. In this digital age, take help of internet and get your content in many forms. Present a subject in different fashion by adding humor to it, thus making it interesting.
  • Change your perspective:The saying ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ stands true here.We find a subject boring because we look it in a wrong way and miss out its beauty. Take a different perspective and give one more chance to your subject. Experiment with different methods of learning like one may choose to go for ‘E-learning’ methods provided by different institutions. Group studies can totally bring up multiple perspectives on the table as the subject that you don’t like much may be somebody else’s favorite. And ultimately choose one method that suits you the best.
  • Make the subject spectacular: If you are preparing for general awareness section of any competitive exams then you can collect different info-graphics and pictures for subjects like history, polity, geography etc. It is seen that students enjoy reading comic books far more than reading novels. This is because things that please our eyes find place in our mind more easily. Students should find different pictures and info-graphics for their boring subjects and make them interesting. They should try and make stories out of those pictures for different topics. We bet you will never forget.
  • Prepare a questionnaire: To make make boring subject interesting students should spice up their learning process. It is seen that even reading after and after with full concentration and focus students tend to forget their learning. They should try to make small and sweet questionnaire for the important topics in their subjects. When they will try to find answers to the relevant questions they will enjoy it and these questionnaires will also help them for revision in the quickest way possible.
  • Try a case study for your boring subject: To make boring subject interesting case study helps students understand how a subject can be used in the real world. So, students should try a case study instead of regular boring examples and rules. Information impossible to gather through reading study books will be available through case studies. It familiarizes students with real world challenges and enables them to know its nuances.

At the very least, these techniques to make boring subject interesting will definitely rekindle your interest in the dull subject. As Benjamin franklin said ‘An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest’.  And anyway if you have to learn the subject then, why not make it more enjoyable?