SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017 Revised Result has been declared!

SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017 Result

SSC (Staff Selection Commission) has announced the revised result of SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017 Result. CGL is SSC’s Combined Graduate Level exam. SSC CGL Tier-I Exam 2017 took place from 5th August to 24th August 2017.

To check the revised SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017 Cut-offs, visit:

To check the revised SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017 result, visit:

List 1:

List 2:

List 3:

A total of 15, 43, 418 candidates appeared for SSC CGL Tier-I Exam 2017 out of which the number of candidates who have provisionally qualified for next stage are:

Paper Number of Candidates
Paper-I and Paper-II 1, 50, 404 (Total candidates)
Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III 10, 311 (Only for the posts of JSO)
Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV 15, 450 (Only for the posts of AAO)


We congratulate all the successful candidates. Those who could not make it to the final list need not lose hope and give the next attempt their best. To know more about a career in SSC Jobs and our offering for the same, click here to visit our SSC Home Page.

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